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Thursday, 9 August 2012


Iona is truly stunning. More wildly known for it’s abbey, St Columba and the pilgrims (who have incidentally reached Stonehenge levels of traffic), I love it for it’s corncrakes and cowrie shells.

The aim is to snorkel with basking sharks. I’ve seen none yet, but heard today that several were seen yesterday off Iona. I have however snorkeled so far with a burgundy coloured jelly fish, several yellowy green fish (I don’t know what they are but I’m pretty sure we don’t eat them, or I think I would know), two big velvet crabs and came head to head (literally. I choked down my snorkel) with a pipefish. Lor, I really need to familiarize myself a little more with British marine life. Today has been a magical Hebridean summer again. Blue sky and hot sun, crystal clear water looking turquoise and white sand.  But just to remind me I’m in Scotland not the Maldives (although I’d choose Scotland any day and should add that I’m in my 5mm wetsuit and slightly wishing I hadn’t lost it’s hood), the bagpipes were droning at The Keel Row as I waded out of the sea.
I learned last night of “Never have I ever”, the Scot (or Ionian) version of the drinking game “I have never”. Try getting that the right way round sober! I lost.

There's a little stall outside a house that sells tiny pots of Iona heather honey for £2. I bought one and used it in a day so I've broken in to the pot i was given last week. It’s nice to be sipping tea with Shropshire honey in it. It’s my very best sort of honey too. Set, but not creamed, lovely and granular and a perfect flowery flavour. Thank you for my pot of honey Rich and Nesta.