There’s nothing like my job for noting every joyful little change of the season. I feel like a cog in a system of wheels. A cog who gladly grabs what’s on offer from outdoor wheels and flicks it onto the plates of inside wheels. It wasn’t long ago I was churning out still-summery puds. In just a couple of weeks all has changed. It’s autumn.
A repeat episode of that series (or Downton Shabby as it's now known) was on
in the kitchen when one of the Guns put his head round the door and asked if he
could sit and watch it with me. We chuckle at what Mr Carson would think; me
with my apron and he in his tweeds, cashmere shooting socks resting on the
table. At ease. Altogether more downstairs than upstairs. Bungalow, in fact.
"Thank you for all you did for us at G. The left overs we found were delicious and everyone on the ground here said you really looked after everyone to perfection." C Townshend